Friday, July 29, 2016

If I were CEO of GSUSA

Copyright: tashatuvango / 123RF Stock Photo
Interim CEO of GSUSA, Sylvia Acevedo, has asked ideas for the organization in the form of "What would I do if I were CEO?" Here are my thoughts:

If I were CEO of GSUSA I would listen to the girls and volunteers, both present and past, who understand the movement so well and know what has worked for them. I would recognize that our past is the key to our future. Girl Scouts has a long legacy and continuous program changes away from that legacy dilute our brand.

If I were CEO of GSUSA the program would be more focused on a wide variety of hands-on skill building badges instead of journeys. The Gold Award would be reworked to include more prerequisites that build skills and prepare girls for their project. I would stop looking at program information as something to sell for a profit and make it available online.

If I were CEO of GSUSA I would focus on older girls, recognizing that the largest benefits of the Girl Scout experience accrue to adolescents. I would measure success not by how many members could be recruited each year, but by how many girls were retained each year and by how many girls are sticking with it and bridging into adulthood. I would institute a bi- or triennial National Jamboree to bring together older girls from around the country.

If I were CEO of GSUSA, I would reduce and restrict the number of licensing agreements, while making it easier for Girl Scout troops to license the Girl Scout brand in their troop fundraising efforts. Our brand isn't cookie flavors and baking. It's leadership and empowerment and service and fun!

If I were CEO of GSUSA, I would attempt to reduce bureaucracy at the National and Council levels. I would encourage close partnerships between staff and volunteers, especially in the area of program delivery. I would build a strong online information and training network for volunteers.

If I were CEO of GSUSA I would try to purchase instead of sell land, recognizing that the long-term benefits of land for programmatic purposes far surpass the short-term benefits of a few more dollars in the bank account.

Some of these things are being worked on already. Some of these things vary widely from council to council - this variance should be reduced. Some of these things would require significant change and challenge, especially financially. But it would sure be cool to belong to an organization that girls and volunteers were joining instead of leaving.
