Tuesday, January 5, 2016

White Paper Response

Copyright: soujanyaamith / 123RF Stock Photo
It's been a while since my last post and during my absence a White Paper was released written by the CEO of Farthest North Girl Scout Council in Fairbanks, Alaska. This paper is critical of the Core Business Strategy that was adopted in 2004 and sets out a 10 point plan to reverse course and put Girl Scouting back on the right path. I have drafted my own letter in support of the White Paper and encourage others to do so as well. I sent my letter to the National Office and Board President and also copied my local council's CEO and Board President.

My letter in response to the White Paper:

My name is Clare Durand, but in scouting circles I'm known as Smitty. I've read the White Paper recently submitted to the National Board of Directors. While I have limited knowledge of some issues presented, I am quite well versed in others. I have been involved in scouting as a girl, leader, trainer and a variety of other volunteer positions. I am a lifetime member who has lived through many program and level changes. I have served as a delegate to the national convention. And I have never had a daughter. I do this because I believe in Girl Scouting.

Never in my many years of involvement have I seen the level of dissatisfaction within the organization that we are currently experiencing. Sure, every program change has its detractors. Some people are more welcoming to change than others. But despite many people's best efforts to adopt and support these recent changes, it seems clear that they have led Girl Scouting down the wrong path. A path where girls and leaders are quitting because the program is too much like school and doesn't contain enough variety. A path where programs are inspired by a few politically hot topics rather than the myriad of interests that girls actually enjoy. A path where councils are selling important outdoor girl program assets to pay adult pensions. A path where money seems more important than mission and bureaucracy trumps democracy. 

Let us be careful about how we measure success within our programs. True success in Girl Scouting has little to do with the numbers of new Brownies and Daisies we sign up. True success is measured by how many seniors in High School are still active in troops. True success is not whether former Girl Scouts become CEOs. True success is when former Girl Scouts believe so strongly in the program that they become troop leaders.

I fully support Suellen Nelles and her White Paper. I strongly urge the board to carefully consider the points made and the plans suggested for saving our organization. Please let the membership know that they are heard and provide a public response with your analysis of these issues.

Clare "Smitty" Durand

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