Friday, May 6, 2016

The Glory of GAM

Last weekend my council held their annual GAM event. What is GAM you ask? At GAM Senior/Ambassador troops compete in Mariner skills. The name is an acronym for Gathering of All Mariners. Mariner Scout program was an official program field for many Senior Troops from 1934-1963. In the 1960s, GSUSA discontinued program field areas for Senior Troops, but vestiges remain, including the GSGLA GAM. This years GAM attracted about 170 girls representing 14 different troops.

MSS Morning Star rigs the sailboat while a judge looks on
What makes GAM so Glorious?
GAM is the highlight of the year for these troops. Some troops spend months of preparation, with older girls teaching skills to newer "Swabbies" in the troop. Some troops prepare very little and just enjoy fun on the water and the camaraderie of their sister scouts. Every troop walks away with an award flag based on the level of excellence they achieved in the skills. A handful of troops will make it to Golden Clipper level, but only one troop will take away the coveted Top Ship flag.

MSS Wind Quest gets tips on their Marlinspike project from the judge
Because GAM is a Senior/Ambassador only competition, the girls get a chance to meet and socialize with other scouts their age. In addition, GAM is a welcome program activity where they get to be the kids instead of being expected to be the leaders for younger girls. It's outdoor adventure at it's finest.

Switching teams at the kayak relay race
Because GAM is a team competition, it develops courage, confidence, and character in amazing ways. Girls are challenged to try new skills. I've seen non-swimmers overcome their fear of water. I've seen a girl who struggled with academic skills shine with a natural talent for catching the wind in the sailboat. I've seen a troop have to work together using each girls strengths and helping each other on their weaknesses in order to achieve their goals. I've seen girls learn to deal with adversity when things went poorly and learn to advocate for themselves through official channels when they believe something is unfair. And I've watched incredible sportsmanship as every troop supports their sister scouts throughout the weekend and cheers on every competitor.

[GAM from a girl's perspective]

Girls tackle the charting exam
What skills do girls compete in at GAM?
The competition includes three main types of competition. Boating races include kayaking, canoeing, canoe tipping, and a relay event known as Message to Garcia which also requires signaling knowledge. Girls also show their skills in rowing and sailing, including rigging a sailboat. Swimming events include relay races and swimming for form, along with ring buoy rescue skills. A host of additional events test a wide variety of knowledge and skills including knots, piloting, compass points, anchors, tides, and weather.

Don't forget the singing! GAM includes learning a few traditional sea chanties along with the fun of writing your own for performance at the campfire program.

Graduating Ambassadors prepare for overboarding at the landship ceremony
How is GAM organized?
While the format of GAM remains fairly steady, each year a girl committee is formed to define a theme, revise rules, and plan special activities. A consistent team of adults provides logistical support to the girl committee and its adult advisors. This team, working with council staff, helps to secure the site, supply necessary equipment and judges, and handles the scoring duties for the competition.

Innertube Extravaganza!
What makes GAM possible?
GAM exists because 50 years ago, when GSUSA decided the Mariner program should die, a few troops in this area kept it alive.
GAM exists because these troops have a commitment to maintaining their legacy.
GAM exists because these legacy troops build a long lasting interest within their graduates to keep these programs running.

But the best part is that GAM exists!

[more photos from GAM 2015]

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